Advocacy activities

The WHO African EOC Network raises awareness of the importance of Public Health Emergency Operations Centres to national emergency management.  PHEOC need to be able to effectively manage emergency mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery activities. The integration of traditional public health services into an emergency management model that is part of a comprehensive programme of emergency preparedness, planning, and capacity building is a relatively new concept. WHO undertakes advocacy activities at all levels to raise awareness of the PHEOC concept and how to implement it. For example, the Regional Committee for Africa, in its 66th session, passed a Resolution stating that 80% of Member states to have functional PHEOC by 2020 (Regional strategy for health security and emergencies 2016–2020 (‎Document AFR/RC66/6))‎.

The WHO African EOC Network also raises awareness of the role of the Network and its members. The WHO African EOC Network, hosted by the WHO Health Emergency Programme in AFRO implements standards and promotes interoperability; undertakes capacity building and functional exercises; improves collaboration and partnerships; enhances communication and the exchange of information; and publishes research and evidence.

Partners play an important role in the Network, and WHO welcomes a wide range of stakeholders to support both the Network and PHEOC in the African Region.

Come and join the WHO African PHEOC Network and support vital emergency management activities being conducted across the African Region!

Advocacy materials

PHEOC save lives

Coordinating responses,saving lives

Coordonner la riposte,
sauver des vies

Les COUSP sauvent des vies