Benefits of being a member

Members are part of the WHO African PHEOC Network and can take advantage of:

  • Being part of a network hosted by the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, which aims “to build the capacity of Member States to manage health emergency risks and, when national capacities are overwhelmed, to lead and coordinate the international health response to contain outbreaks and to provide effective relief and recovery to affected populations”. The WHO EOC Network plays a fundamental role in public health emergency management in the Region and Members can be part of this coalition.
  • Networking and collaboration. The Network provides an opportunity to collaborate and coordinate activities to improve health security in the African Region.
  • Learning and mutual support. The activities of the network will be an opportunity of members to learn from each other, share experiences and innovations
  • The Network resources and news. The EOC website, managed by the Secretariat, serves as a global gateway to knowledge and information on developing and implementing public health EOCs. Individuals and organizations can post comments and provide information.
  • Publications can be placed online. Advocacy material, policy and technical reports and others that are produced by the Network Secretariat, WHO and other partners, after having been approved by the Secretariat, are posted on the website.
  • The Network Secretariat and its members and partners can be a catalyst and a platform for ideas and action at global, regional and national level.

More specifically,

  • Members are provided access to the WHO African PHEOC Network website through its SharePoint platform to exchange information and describe their work and activities.
  • Members can access the online communication forum to post their queries, comments, and answers to the questions.
  • Members’ activities will be featured in the Network’s communications products such as annual reports and newsletters.
  • Members may be invited to sit on task forces and working groups, and participate in other Network-related meetings, in accordance with their area of work. 
  • Members can share experiences and best practices from other PHEOCs in the Region